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Membership Benefits

Three For One Membership

Advance your profession and your career. Join and unite with 40,000 other professionals across the country that are passionate about improving patient care, public awareness, and the professional standing of optometry.

CCOS ccosociety Central California Optometric Society

To become a member of CCOS, you must apply through the California Optometric Association (COA). Membership in the COA is tripartite; you also become a member of the American Optometric Association (AOA) as well as CCOS, all of which provides you with local, state and national representation.

How does being a COA member benefit you?

  1. ​Protect your license to practice in California

  2. Represent the interests of optometrists in the California legislature and the courts

  3. Advocate for a position in the regulatory and health care systems and for the inclusion in managed care programs

  4. Promote access and enhance the public’s perception of comprehensive optometric health care

  5. Offer quality continuing education programs to meet license requirement


A strong voice where it matters most

The AOA works closely with individual doctors and state associations to put our priorities in the spotlight and get results. It's the support of AOA members like you who make victories possible.

Continuing Education

Improving skills, educating leaders

The AOA's Continuing Education program makes it easy and affordable for you and your staff to stay abreast of the latest research, techniques and technology.

Clinical Resources

The leading edge of patient care​

Better resources mean better care. And the AOA is at the forefront in developing clinical tools and best practices to advance and elevate patient care. 

Public Awareness

Sharing our vision for better eye care

Complementing our efforts to defend optometry before policy makers, it is the AOA's mission to elevate our profession in the public perception through marketing, public relations, and educational tools on eye health, safety and the importance of regular exams by a licensed optometrist. 

Legal Resources Program

New and FREE Benefit:  COA Members get up to 30 minutes of telephone and research work per month with an attorney at no cost.  Read more>

AOA Benefits

What's the value of membership?

CLIA-waived Testing
Practice Fact Sheets
Member Media Center
Member Resource Center
EyeLearn Online Learning
OD Resource Guide
GA Weekly
California Optometry
COA Member News
AOA Publications
COA Conferences
CE @ Home
Optometry’s Meeting®
Endorsed Programs
OD Finders
24/7 Coding Expert
Presentation & Career Resources
Social Media Consultant
Networking Opportunities
Paraoptometric Membership
$250 per staff member

Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

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InSight Vison logo_edited.jpg

Bronze Sponsors

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All rights reserved

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